Climate Action Campaign Presses For More Climate Action

May 28th, 2024

For Immediate Release

DATE: May 24, 2024

CONTACT: David Di Martino | David@SevenLetter.Com


Climate Action Campaign Presses For More Climate Action

May District Work Period to feature events and advocacy  

With Congress heading out for its May District Work Period, and extreme weather inflicting punishing damage from Houston, Texas to Miami, Florida, the Climate Action Campaign and its partners are preparing dozens of events and in-district meetings with lawmakers to call for more climate action and for members of Congress to defend the progress we’ve made on climate change and clean energy. 

“They call it a district work period and we will be out there working to advance climate action and defend climate progress,” said Margie Alt, Director of the Climate Action Campaign.  “As extreme weather season kicks off on June 1, and with destructive weather already happening all over, we are meeting with several Members of Congress, we will be at parades, we will be at farmer’s markets, and we will be on the streets thanking lawmakers for what they’ve done and reminding them of the work yet to do.”

Some in Congress have introduced legislation to roll back protections on clean air, climate, and water established by the Biden Administration’s EPA.  The House of Representatives has voted more than thirty times to repeal climate and clean energy investments established by the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Local climate and environmental organizations in the CAC coalition will meet with the offices of Senators Rafael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, Mark Kelly, and Rep. Max Frost and hold drop-by events at the offices of Representatives Summer Lee, Gwen Moore, and Elisa Slotkin.  Additionally, the campaign will include visibility events at the Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade (May 27) and the Detroit VegFest in Michigan (June 2), the Henderson Pride event in Nevada (June 1), and the Lancaster VegFest in Pennsylvania (June 1). Additional events may be added. 


About the Climate Action Campaign

Climate Action Campaign (CAC) is a vibrant coalition of advocacy organizations working together to drive ambitious, durable federal action to cut carbon pollution, address the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and accelerate the transition to clean energy. Our goal is to reduce carbon pollution and accelerate the transition to clean energy through policies focused on climate, justice, and jobs and expanding opportunity for all.

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