Bloomberg: Biden Pressed to Keep Climate Measures in Infrastructure Plan

White House allies outline concerns in letter to Hill leaders
Letter comes amid concern climate measures could be pulled
By Ari Natter
The Center for American Progress and environmental groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club are threatening to withhold their support for Democrats’ infrastructure package if it doesn’t include major investments in measures to combat climate change and promote environmental justice.
“Any infrastructure package(s) or legislative action on the American Jobs Plan must prioritize bold, ambitious, and swift measures to tackle the climate crisis and address longstanding environmental injustices,” the groups said Wednesday in a letter to congressional leaders.
The letter, which was also signed by Democrat-aligned environmental groups such as the League of Conservation Voters and the National Wildlife Foundation, comes amid mounting concern that a mandate that utilities generate power from clean sources and other environmental priorities could be jettisoned as the White House engages in negotiations over the package with Republicans.
While President Joe Biden proposed sweeping investments in electric vehicles, renewable power and the electric grid as part of a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure and stimulus blueprint unveiled earlier this spring, the measures have been met with opposition from Republicans and the administration has indicated some of those priorities could be scaled back.
And an emerging compromise deal being worked on by Republicans has been opposed by some Democrats for falling short on climate provisions.