415,000 Across U.S. Sign Petitions Urging Congress to Go Bold on Climate Action With Investments…

415,000 Across U.S. Sign Petitions Urging Congress to Go Bold on Climate Action With Investments in Build BackBetter Act
Multiple national and local organizations spearheaded petition drive, demonstrating widespread support for BBBA climateinvestments
Washington, D.C. — If Congress had any doubts about the popularity of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act (BBBA) and the unprecedented climate, justice, and jobs investments it will include, those doubts may have been dispelled today with an outpouring of public support from people across the country.
A coalition of climate advocacy organizations today delivered petitions with the signatures of more than 415,000people across the U.S. and political spectrum, demanding that Congress support bold investments to tackle the climate crisis, create clean energy jobs, and address environmental injustice. This week, President Biden and Congressional leaders unveiled a new framework for the Build Back Better Act, which includes climate investmentsthat reportedly total more than $550 billion. If the framework becomes law, it will be the single largest climate and clean energy investment from Congress in history to fight the climate crisis.
“We are in a code red climate moment and now is our time to act. Today, we delivered more than 415,000 petitionsfrom people across the country demanding bold, ambitious investments to tackle the climate crisis. Congress must move swiftly to pass the framework for the Build Back Better Act and its unprecedented climate investments todeliver protections for communities that are already suffering from the devastating impacts of climate change. The Build Back Better Act includes critical climate and health provisions that would put our families on a path towards climate safety, create millions of clean energy jobs, and directly invest in communities that are disproportionately impacted by pollution. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make historic investments to tackle the climate crisis, and we are urging Congress to pass this framework without delay,” said Trisha Dello Iacono, Senior Legislative Manager, Moms Clean Air Force.
The petition delivery was part of a gathering of supporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., including school kids, demanding passage of climate provisions in the proposed Build Better Act, which is expected to be voted on in the coming days.