“I support the strongest standard on carbon emissions from power plants, alternatively called the Cut Climate Pollution Plan, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), because my nonprofit’s daily work is driving greater adoption of clean energy in Michigan communities for greater health, for greater local economic benefits, for eliminating greenhouse gases from our energy systems. This standard will codify that clean energy solutions exist today, are viable and affordable, and the only thing holding widespread adoption of these is entrenched political interests favoring fossil fuels. I urge you to build on the progress that began with the Obama administration and is being accelerated by the Biden administration and by governors, such as Whitmer’s MI Healthy Climate Plan, and the day in, day out, work of nonprofits like my own that is making change in communities, helping them secure a cleaner, healthier, safer future with decarbonized energy choices.”

John Kinch, Executive Director, Michigan Energy Options, Grand Haven, Michigan